  Uh, What are Interjections?
Interjection are words or sentences that express spontaneous feelings or re...

Interjection are words or sentences that express spontaneous feelings or reactions and they can be either part of another sentence of form stand-alone sentences by themselves. They are one of the major parts of speech, along verbs, nouns, pronouns, conjunctions, etc. Interjections don't need to be grammatically organized inside the sentence and represent Jakobson's emotive function of language, described as words or sentences that "add information about the speaker's internal state", thus its sole purpose is to convey the author's feeling at the moment and are more commonly used in fiction or artistic writing.

Another characteristic of such words or expressions is that they can be disposed of without altering the meaning of the sentence. Some examples:

Quote:Hurray! It is a snow day and school is canceled.
It is so exciting, my goodness, I just can’t believe it.
Joe was late to school and yikes, the teacher was mad.
Oh! I can’t believe how nice you look.
Oops, I dropped the milk and it spilled.

Interjections may be complete sentences by themselves. On these cases you can't directly dispose of them, instead you'll need to replace them completely, some examples include:


Though you can find multiple interjection lists all over the Internet, it may be hard to identify if some words are indeed being used as interjections and their meaning. This was specially the case for me with the word "why", which I use in my introductory title inside my "about me" page. To find out its meaning and usage I had to dig some research, from which I eventually figured out its usage as a way to express surprise. ¡Vaya!, ¿Quien lo hubiera pensado?

Lucky for us, we can find interjections in English as well as in both Spanish (interjecciones) and French (interjections):

Quote:Hein? (Huh?)
Ouf! (Phew!)
Bon! (Fine!)
Miséricorde! (C'mon!)
Chut! (Shss!)

Now, don't confuse interjections with muletillas, as they are called in Spanish. Though interjections can all be muletillas, not all muletillas apply necessarily as interjections.

That would be all then, uh-oh, see ya!

Wikipedia: Interjection,
Wikipedia: Jakobson's functions of language,
Your Dictionary: What Is An Interjection?,
Espace Francais: Les Interjections
This post was last modified: 14 Mar, 2017, 8:50 pm by Omar G..
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